Bus compression processor

Product time: 2022-4-18 16:50:47

A brief description:

In the scene of live performance, MBP is usually used on the bus of the main amplifier and mixer. The signal is first adjusted in width and depth through the sound field adjustment part, and then sent to the two channels ab. the compressed part is dynamically adjusted and filtered. Through the link function on MBP, the parameters of channel a can be linked to channel B. the operation is very convenient. In the SFE sound field adjustment part, you can feel that the original angular part will become smooth, The roughness that shouldn't exist will be cleaned up and give you an enhanced sound field with good overall sense. You can also use the knob of the sound field adjustment part to determine the position of low frequency. In particular, the silk function can be fine tuned through texture to make the sound very pleasant.
The complete compression part of the two channels, including start-up, release, ratio and threshold control. Side chain insertion and high pass filter of two compressors.
The feedback / feedforward switch allows you to choose between retro and modern compression modes. Silk textur e control with red / Blue mode for neve warm sound quality.
The mixing control allows you to mix dry signals into compression while retaining transients and increasing strength. The simple and musical 1-knob limiter with adaptive release technology allows brick wall restrictions without distorting or affecting signals below the threshold.
The stereo sound field Editor section includes independent levels and equalizers for width and depth so that you can work with stereo sound fields. I / O connector: XLR